
I Don't Hate You

Deviation Actions

gaarasgirl999's avatar

Literature Text

Fifteen year old Tristan Jordans stormed into his bedroom. Angrily he yanked a backpack from his closet and threw it on his bed. Stalking over to his dresser, he roughly pulled them open and grabbed two handfuls of clothes, shoving them into the backpack.

Renee Jordans-her last name having changed from Transton-appeared at his door, her face angry and her arms crossed.

"Tristan Ronald Jordans we are not done talking!" Her son growled something under his breath and whipped around to face her.

"Why won't you let me go?! Sammy and Todd's parents are letting them!"

"I don't care if their parents are letting them bungee jump off a cliff. You are too young to go riding on an ATV, let alone on the Klumock Trails! I've seen those boys drive Tristan, and I am not comfortable letting you ride with them." Ren was firm.

"I'm fifteen years old! And what's wrong with the Klumock Trails?" He demanded of his mother, mirroring her stance.

"All the rain we've had has the trails knee deep in mud. Every time that happens someone gets hurt or in an accident. I'm not letting you risk that." Ren's older siblings had gone biking on that same trail before when it was dry, and had come back with her eldest brother carrying her sister piggy-back style, her leg broken.  

"We'll be careful, I swear! Just let me go, please Mom?" Tristan had calmed a bit, and decided to try his hand at begging. But Ren's mind was made up.

"I said no. Asking me more is not going to change that."

Tristan's eyes flared up with rage once more. He snatched his bag up and shoved past his mother, who followed him.

"Where do you think you're going young man?"

"Out!" Was his curt response.

"If you go riding with those boys, you are grounded. Do you understand me?" A twinge of fear caught Ren's chest.

"Fine! I'll just stay at Jimmy's since you won't let me have any fun!" A final response rose and came out of his mouth so fast he didn't even think before shouting it over his shoulder.

"I HATE YOU!" That said, he slammed the door behind him, leaving only his mother's horrified face behind him.

A few hours later, Shane returned home from work. He walked in, tossing his jacket on a kitchen chair.

"Tristan? Babe? Anyone home?" He called. No answer.

Confused, Shane walked around the house for a bit. It looked like nobody had been in there for a while. Suddenly, he paused. A small sniffling sound drew his attention to the bedroom he shared with Ren. Frowning, he walked in and looked.

A lone figure at on the edge of the bed, hunched over with their hair hanging in their face and their hands in their lap. Tear stained cheeks reflected just barely off the dim light, and Shane knew without seeing that the eyes of the figure would be equally red.
Wordlessly, Shane moved over and took her into his arms, a gentle hand rubbing her back as she shook slightly, fresh tears overtaking her. He waited until she was still to murmur against her hair.

"Ren, baby, what's wrong?"

"Oh god, Shane, I'm a horrible mother." She choked out, covering her face with her hands.

"What? Why would you get a crazy idea like that?" Shane was shocked. In all the time they had spent raising their son, he'd always believed Ren to be a good mother. She was gentle and kind, but also strict and firm when needed be. She'd never raised a hand to Tristan or made him feel unloved, so why would she feel this strongly now?

Ren told him what had occurred. Shane listened attentively, and frowned when she finished.

"Ren, Tristan was angry. I know he doesn't hate you."

"But what if he was right? What if I was too hard on him? I mean, he's a growing boy and deserves some independence, but I can't stand the thought of him getting hurt somewhere!" Ren's eyes had widened, her voice rising to a panicked pitch until Shane kissed her, forcing to relax.

"You weren't too hard on him. Those are dangerous trails, and I agree that he shouldn't be hanging out with those boys. I've met their fathers, one's a rich snob and the other a drunk. Not exactly good role models. Just wait, I bet he'll be back tomorrow."

Ren leaned against his chest, hugging him. "I hope so." She whispered, closing her eyes.

Meanwhile, Tristan was feeling guilty. He'd spent the night at his friend Jimmy's house after telling him he got into a fight with his mom, only to argue with him as well when Jimmy suggested she just cared. They grappled for a bit, then made up, as they usually did. But he couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. He hadn't meant to tell his Mom he hated her, it had just slipped out because he was angry. Now that he was calmer and could think straight, his conscience wasn't giving him a break in the least. In the end he only picked at the pizza he and Jimmy ordered for dinner and tossed around a bit before falling into a rough sleep.

"Dude…Dude, Tristan, wake up!" A sneaker thudded against the sleeping teen's head, and he sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily while glaring at his friend.

"What is it?"

"Look at the news!" Jimmy pointed excitedly at his TV, which showed one of the local anchormen giving his report.

"In other news, two local male students from Drakin Moore High School were admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon. One of the boy's names will not be revealed due to being a minor, but his friend's name was Todd Hendrics." </b>

"Dude…" Jimmy whispered, but Tristan ignored him, his eyes glued to the screen.

"It is to be believed the boys were riding on the Klumock Trails when one of the tires on their all-terrain vehicles drove over some large rock hidden in the mud which caused the vehicle to flip over. They are being held overnight for observation after leaving the intensive care unit upon arrival. Now here's Donna with the weather…"</b>

Tristan and Jimmy stopped listening, instead looking at one another. Their eyes shared the same message: That could have been me/you.

All was relatively calm at the home of the Tickle Masters. Shane had taken over the duty of cooking breakfast, playfully shooing Ren from the kitchen and threatening her with his spatula if she came back. Laughing for the first time since last night, Ren complied and watched from the island bar nearby, drinking coffee and jokingly ordering Shane around and saying she was the new man of the house.

Shane rapidly breathed, sounding close to tears. "I work all day and all night to keep this house clean and make your meals, and I still get no respect!" He whined in a high voice.

Ren rolled her eyes. "Ah, shuddap and make my breakfast."

"You don't love meeeeee!"

"Don't make me come over there!"

The two laughed at their shenanigans, only to halt when the front door suddenly opened and shut. Tristan stood there, his backpack hanging from one hand and an unreadable emotion in his eyes. Mother and son locked gazes, and suddenly Tristan dropped his backpack and ran over, hugging her tightly and hiding his face in her shoulder.

"Mom, I'm so sorry! I don't hate you, I swear!" The guilt finally broke free, tears forming in his eyes. Usually he would feel like a total baby, but right now he didn't care.

Ren was surprised, then smiled gently in that maternal way mother's have, and hugged her son tightly.

"It's okay sweetheart, I forgive you."

"You were right about the trails." He looked up at her with the same innocent eyes he had the day he was born. "Mom, they're in the hospital. Sammy and Todd. Their ATV got flipped."

Ren's eyes widened. "That's horrible."

Tristan nodded, his expression grim. "I could have been there, too. I could be in the hospital right now, but I'm not. Thank to you." He hugged her tightly again, needing his Mom right now more than ever. "I'm so sorry, Mom, you were right."

Ren held her son. He would always be her baby, no matter how old. She'd always want to protect him, and knew she would have to let go sometimes. But right now, she was just glad she had listened to her instincts.

Shane ducked his head, smiling to himself. One of the many hurdles of being a parent had been crossed, and he couldn't be happier for, or more proud of, his family. Turning to the others, he smirked a bit.

"You're just in time. I've been slaving over this hot oven making breakfast the whole morning while your Mom sat on her butt and ordered me around."

Ren shot him an incredulous look. "You threatened me with a spatula!"

"You know you like it!"

Tristan chuckled, looking up. "Harsh, dad. But I am starving. Let's eat!"
I don't what brought this on. I was watching this clip: [link] on Youtube and just started crying like a baby. It's so sad, so heart touching, I dare you all to watch it without tears.

I dunno why, but I kept crying after watching. Guess life's stresses caught up with me. Then I started thinking about how mother life must get tough for Ren, and this was born.

Sorry if Ren seems like the crybaby of the Tickle Masters, I swear she's tougher than this. Shane's just not the crying type, and she's my more feminine female character so she works best.

Everything (c) Me
© 2011 - 2024 gaarasgirl999
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digigalAdriane's avatar
See, The Cake is a Lie originally came from Portal. lol